Jumat, 04 Oktober 2013

How to Tackle Black On the Elbow

How to tackle black on the elbow - Skin on elbows usually different from other skins, as well as the skin on the knees . Both of these places often have a thick skin and black, it looks very not beautiful and annoying, especially if the skin is black.
tackle black elbow

The black color of the elbow is usually caused by a skin condition, oil glands on the skin of the elbows is very little, not the same as the oil glands exist in other skin areas. This is what causes the skin to become thick elbow, because the remains of dead skin cells accumulate and thick and black.

Another cause is the pigment, the pigment on the elbows and knees more than any other pigment in the skin. In addition, the pressure experienced by the knee and elbow are also heavier and always get pressure, it can also affect the color black on the elbows and knees. So , in this post I will share about how to eliminate the black on the elbow naturally, let's see below.

How to tackle black on elbow

Let's see how abolishing and tackle black on elbows and knees. May be useful .
  1. Frequently clean elbows and knees with a sponge while bathing, so that the dead skin cells can be removed from the knee and elbow.
  2. After a bath, put a body butter or olive oil, aims to elbow and knee skin remains moist and not dull
  3. Do not forget to frequently perform scrub, do regularly, that is the 1st time in 2 weeks with a mixture of salt water and lemon juice. Rub both of materials on elbows and knees, then rinse thoroughly .
  4. Another way of eliminating the black color of the elbow is by use grated turmeric, take water and rub it on your elbows and knees, in addition, tomatoes can also be used to lighten the skin, because it contains lots of vitamin C.
That's a little how to tackle black on elbows and knees . Hopefully useful and good luck .

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